Entries, entries, entries.
Traders LOVE talking about entries.
And even though exits are a critical part of trading, almost nobody talks about them.
They’re just not sexy enough.
But exits can make a HUGE difference in your trading results, so it’s time to stop ignoring them.
We’ve received a number of questions from Breakout Strategies Masterclass students about swing strategies and exits, and today we’re going to answer some of them.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
How swing trading is different to other types of trading,
The importance of exits (for swing-based strategies and other trading styles too),
The different styles of exits and which are the most effective for strategy performance,
Trade management techniques and how they can impact the type of strategy you use,
Some valuable insights from one of Tomas’ favorite teachers, including a surprising lesson on the importance of exits over entries.
Do you have any trading questions you’d like answered? Submit them here, and we may cover them in a future episode!
Click here to play the episode now.
Happy Trading,
This article was originally published on the Better Trader Academy blog!